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Form Successfully Submitted. THANK YOU.

Your form has been successfully submitted, and we’re excited to help you take the next step toward a rewarding career in the automotive industry.

At Apprenticeships Are Us, we pride ourselves on connecting passionate individuals like you with hands-on apprenticeship opportunities across Australia.

Our team will review your submission and get in touch shortly to guide you through the next steps. In the meantime, explore how our programs can help you build valuable skills, gain real-world experience, and achieve recognized qualifications in the automotive trade.

Your journey starts here!

Your form has been successfully submitted, and we’re excited to help you take the next step toward a rewarding career in the automotive industry. At Apprenticeships Are Us, we pride ourselves on connecting passionate individuals like you with hands-on apprenticeship opportunities across Australia. Our team will review your submission and get in touch shortly to guide you through the next steps. In the meantime, explore how our programs can help you build valuable skills, gain real-world experience, and achieve recognized qualifications in the automotive trade. Your journey starts here!​

If you have an account with Indeed you can also check out some of our advertised Job Vacancies for Automotive Apprenticeships at http://at

Or if you prefer you can also try us at

Save the link below in  your browser to keep an eye out for apprenticeship we have on offer

What Happens Next?

Now that your form has been submitted, our team will carefully review your application. We aim to match you with the right opportunity based on your goals, skills, and interests. You can expect to hear from us within a few business days.

Why Choose Apprenticeships Are Us?

At Apprenticeships Are Us, we go beyond simply connecting you with an apprenticeship. We’re here to support you every step of the way:

  • Personalized Support. Our team provides mentorship to ensure you feel confident and supported throughout your journey.
  • Strong Industry Connections. With access to over 4,000 workshops across Australia, we offer unparalleled opportunities in the automotive industry.
  • Career-Focused Approach. We’re committed to helping you gain practical experience, develop in-demand skills, and earn qualifications that are recognized and respected nationwide.

Get Ready to Drive Your Future

Thank you for choosing Apprenticeships Are Us as your partner in building a successful automotive career. We’re excited to support your journey, and we can’t wait to help you take the next step!



Jump Start Your Automotive Career